Getting a massage helps you relax, pamper yourself, and wind down. But did you know it does more than just that? According to historians, massages have been used in both Western and Eastern cultures for many other reasons. These include relieving chronic pain, enhancing wellness, and managing various health issues.
Evidence shows massage therapy stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin. These hormones have been shown to reduce the symptoms of depression. Along the same vein, massage therapy has been shown to reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Consequently, a massage reduces your anxiety.
Amazingly, clinical practice guidelines for treating women with breast cancer include massage therapy. It is one way to reduce stress, depression, and fatigue. Doing so helps breast cancer patients improve their quality of life. A recent study showed a reduction in depression, anxiety, and anger in breast cancer patients who received massage therapy thrice a week.
Did you know massage therapy helps counteract the effects of sitting at your desk all day? You tend to carry so much stress on your neck and shoulders when sitting at your desk all day. The postural stress resulting from doing so can be effectively relieved by massage therapy, improving your overall posture.
Pay attention to any pain in your lower back, neck, and shoulder if you work a desk job. You can benefit from scheduling a regular massage at least once a month. Not only will it help you relax, but it also counteracts the health impacts of sitting down all day.
Massage therapy promotes better quality sleep and helps if you have trouble sleeping. It is because it promotes relaxation and sleep. According to experts, this is especially true for patients undergoing radiation or chemotherapy.
Researchers also report that infants who receive massage therapy benefit. The little bundles of joy were less stressed, cried less, and slept more. The increased dopamine and serotonin levels following a massage confer amazing calming effects that promote restful sleep.
Experts report that massage therapy can help patients recovering from a stroke. However, this applies to isolated issues. They believe massage therapy after a stroke can help:
· Improve motor skills.
· Decrease psychological stress and anxiety.
· Increase sensorimotor function.
· Improve the quality of life and overall health.
More importantly, this treatment relieves depression after a stroke by increasing serotonin levels. It also reduces the risk of another stroke and heart attack. Additionally, a stroke can result in inflammation and swelling of the body. These can be gently reduced via a massage method known as lymphatic drainage.
Contrary to popular belief, a massage is not just a way to pamper yourself or wind down after a busy week at work. It is among the most effective tools to help your well-being and health. Whether you want to relieve stress or manage a health condition, massage therapy has a lot of benefits that may surprise you. Try it today, experience it, and enjoy the benefits!
For more on the surprising benefits of massage therapy, visit Wellness One Chiropractic at our office in Palm Coast, Florida. Call (386) 447-9930 to book an appointment today.