Webster Technique Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Many people are turning to chiropractic care to address various issues affecting the body. The natural treatment is an attractive option for those looking for relief without turning to medication. Chiropractic care during pregnancy is a safe and effective option that can ease pain and discomfort. 


The therapy can establish or maintain pelvic balance while providing adequate space for the growing baby. Proper positioning of both baby and mom will help in ensuring a smooth pregnancy and safe delivery.


Webster Technique 

The Webster technique is a form of chiropractic care that focuses on the pelvis and the sacrum. The technique also targets the muscles and ligaments surrounding these areas. Chiropractors use the technique to help pregnant women find relief by addressing misalignments, making more room in the pelvis. 

The goal is to create space in the uterus, aiding in the labor and delivery process. The Webster technique helps provide relief for sciatic and lower back pain that many pregnant women experience. 


Breech Pregnancy

The mother’s body goes through changes as the baby grows in the womb. As the delivery date nears, the baby should be positioned with the head facing towards the birth canal. Inability to move into the ideal birth position can lead to complications during birth. 

Sometimes, this causes the baby to be in a breech position. The doctors will then have to turn the baby during delivery or perform a cesarean section. The Webster technique can be used to address issues that cause a breech presentation. 


Who Needs the Webster Technique?

There are good reasons to visit a chiropractor during pregnancy. You can benefit from the Webster technique if you have a breech pregnancy or a history of breech babies. The method is also ideal for pregnant women who are concerned about their sacrum or pelvis. 

The technique is less invasive than the external cephalic procedure traditionally used to turn a baby’s position. You can get chiropractic care throughout your pregnancy or when you have a specific issue that needs to be addressed.


During the Webster Procedure

During the procedure, the chiropractor will provide a special pregnancy pillow, allowing the client to lie face down comfortably. The pillow is designed with a cut-out center to support the belly and the baby. There are also special tables that have a drop-down section to provide additional comfort and space. 

The chiropractor will start by carrying out an assessment, which involves checking both feet. Bending the feet up, the chiropractor will check if they come together evenly. Imbalances can indicate that the pelvis may be out of alignment.


The Adjustment Process

The adjustment is performed on the side that is affected using a special adjusting tool or the drop table. The adjustment can be made on one or both sides, depending on the need. The client may also be required to turn over to allow the chiropractor to evaluate the front for misalignments. Working on the front part of the body mainly involves massaging the soft tissue or the abdomen muscles and ligaments.

It is important to understand that the Webster technique is not about trying to move the baby. The goal of the technique is to create more room, allowing the baby to move freely into position. 

Learn more about the Webster technique for Pre Natal chiropractic care, visit Wellness One Chiropractic at our office in Palm Coast, Florida. You can call (386) 447-9930 today to book an appointment.

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