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Wellness One Chiropractic Blog

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Why You Should Stop Ignoring Back Pain and See a Chiropractor Near You

Whenever the body takes an impact, the spine absorbs most of the stress since it is the body’s core. The spine consists of a flexible column of bones held together by ligaments. An intricate system of muscles coordinates the spine’s movements, protects the spinal cord, and protects the tract of nerves that transmit information between the body and the brain.

5 Signs That it’s Time to See a Chiropractor

Most people consider chiropractic care only when something goes wrong or when pain symptoms are too severe to tolerate. However, chiropractic therapy can yield more benefits than most people think.

Does Electrical Stimulation Therapy Reduce Inflammation?

The nervous system communicates with the immune system and regulates inflammation throughout the body. When the immune system triggers the body to release inflammatory cells, they heal damaged tissue and attack bacteria.

8 Benefits of Electrical Stimulation Therapy

Electrical stimulation therapy or e-stim is a procedure that employs an apparatus to relay moderate electrical pulses via your skin. It is a painless process that lasts between five to 15 minutes, depending on the reason. The therapy has several benefits.

7 Signs a Child Should See a Chiropractor

Not many people link chiropractic care with children. Most people think of a person with arthritis or a middle-aged patient when they think of chiropractic care. But this form of healthcare is quite effective in healing and enhancing your little one's health. It is also quite common. 

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Chiropractic care has plenty of benefits for pregnant women. The mere idea of relieving any lingering back pain during pregnancy makes a compelling case for chiropractic care. Aside from back pain relief, chiropractic care offers other benefits to pregnant women.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Whiplash

Whiplash is a condition caused by a sudden and forceful backward and forward movement of the head. The injury is common after rear-end auto accidents. Whiplash can also be due to sports injuries, physical abuse, and amusement park rides.

The Advantages of Prenatal Chiropractic Care

The journey to motherhood is not always an easy one. This is owing to all the physical and emotional changes the female body goes through. These changes occur to create the best environment for the growing baby.

Personal Injury Treatment: What to Expect

The initial moments following a crash or accident can be very overwhelming. It can be hard to decide the right thing to do at that moment. Getting an injury can affect your life in a major way. Suffering a severe injury can have long-term consequences for your life. 

Can Chiropractic Care Speed Up Sports Injury Recovery?

As an athlete, your sporting activities can be energy-sapping and lead to painful injuries. Chiropractors are experts in the prevention and treatment of these injuries. Regular chiropractic care will allow faster recovery from sports injuries. How does it do this?

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